Find and move in the Mac terminal
Easy wings
Smoked turkey, take two
Easy pot roast
Chicken drumsticks on the Akorn
Fresh RODBC troubles and a simple workaround on Yosemite
On the best office layout
Durham chicken
I smoked salmon on the Akorn
I smoked a turkey on the Akorn today
Try a little crypto
Date vs. POSIXct
At the very least, google your doctor
Here's a neat thing about dplyr
Updating the VGAM package on Yosemite
I got RODBC to work on Yosemite too
I got RODBC to work on a Mac (OS X Mavericks)
BTYD models
Shell access to a FreeNAS jail
MathJax in your GitHub blog
More about FreeNAS jails
Backing up FreeNAS to AWS Glacier
R version of tsfill and xfill combined
Getting started with the NooElec NESDR Nano on OS X Yosemite
Regularization and the Bible
I wrote an R data frame to a Teradata table on a Mac
Amending a hasty commit
Recipe for pairing up RStudio with GitHub
Here's to MOOC's. They're better than textbooks
Introducing syncR
Some unresolved hiccups with R 3.1.0 on Mavericks, and a workaround
Macbook Pro running hot, draining battery after upgrading to SSD?
FreeNAS works as advertised
Invisible methods
How I backed up a bunch of old pictures to Amazon Glacier
I put up my first post on RPubs
Stata 13 is coming on June 24
Keeping knitr happy after upgrading to R 3.0.0
A quick note on rJava
An R-squared for logistic regression, packaged
Tidying up your R packages
I'm taking intro to biostats and epi (PH207x) from EdX
Setting up my R library folder on a Mac
My MOOC habit
The R library folder on a Mac
Pushing circles around
What I'm up to
Do-file rules, revisited
Stata for stocks
Turn a date into Stata format quickly
Human rights stats, one last thing
Human rights stats, part 2
Human rights stats, part 1
Stata 12 with MacVim, updated
Fighting the R graphics
A quick tip for using Stata in interactive mode
How many zeroes in that Poisson?
Mapping Durham
On work
From Stata to Google Maps
Stata 12 with MacVim
How I rooted my Nook Color
Factors in Stata and R
All the SAS you need
Building a repeater bridge
Supply chain magic
Data visualization, Budapest Ethnography Museum
Delayed macro substitution
Goodbye, FreeBSD
How to sync two Linux machines
Dogs, bedbugs and Reverend Bayes
Keep the same home environment on multiple computers with Dropbox
The zen of UNIX
Note to self: ssh does not like loose home directory permissions
Quantity and quality in CS research
Good to know
The limits of encapsulation
Your Linux VM can talk to your Windows PC
"Edit with Vim" in Windows 7
Using Mata for string processing
Filling the gaps in your panel with winsor
Automated sanity checks
Count missing observations
Making Vim run Stata and clean up after itself
Program vs. include smackdown
I switched to Vim
Calling irregular arguments with syntax anything
Define local macros in one place, use them everywhere
Terminal server client somehow woke up
New piece in my FreeBSD kit: psearch
Slow terminal server client in Ubuntu Jaunty
Improv FreeBSD system administration
Download code from books with wget
Building TOra with Oracle support on Jaunty
Moving to Jaunty
Back issues of the Stata Journal
Backing up your data
Parenting with Stata
Subversion: UNIX server, Windows XP client
Baby steps with Subversion
Genetics with Python
Real FAQ's
SciTE and Python
Regex tricks with Notepad++ and Statalist
Numerics by Stata
My first useful Mata function
It's grim back home
Learning and mingling opportunities
Stata 11 shipping July 27
Stata and StatTransfer
Using Stata for Windows shell scripting
Auto-mount the NFS share
Setting up NFS: FreeBSD server, Ubuntu client
xkill it
Dynamic arithmetic expressions
Join the Statalist
Doesn't look like a number, but it is
Stata and Samba, BFF
Another use for local macros: Stata graphs
Logical operators
Consider ado-files
Putting your Mata functions to work
Finally dabbling in Mata
I've got Subversion!
Indenting your code -- convenient tab to space conversion
The trouble with automatic type conversion
Set theory and the extended macro function list
Installing R on FreeBSD, part two
Installing R on FreeBSD, part one
The class string vs. C-style strings
Human-readable code
Section 10.6 in the User's Guide
Dummy variables
Dealing with unhelpful .csv files
Gems from the User's Guide
I've got Samba!
Do-file rules -- one suggestion
Do-file rules -- a justification
Ruby, Rails and Cygwin
Fun with display and macros
Slashes, shell and Windows XP
Looking through files
Looping across observations
Data from MS Access to Stata
Looking at your data: table vs. tabulate
Data from Excel to Stata, take two
Leading zeroes
Old-school summary statistics
Cheap Iceland
Infrequently asked questions
Cygwin, the kind-of-UNIX
OpenSSH, take two
Debugging C++ code (UNIX)
Getting data into Stata: odbc load
Soup up your do-files: program
Abstraction with macros
I just mucked up portupgrade
Qualify your commands with capture
Edit Stata do-files with Notepad++
Encode uses and pitfalls
A way to handle runaway project scopes
Edit Stata do-files with Notepad
Key files for OpenSSH
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